When running the apt package manager from the command line, if it starts coming up with the following error when you’re running ZFS it’s likely that your disk is too full to take more snapshots. This is a process that happens automatically on package installation or update.
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>When running the apt package manager from the command line, if it starts coming up with the following error when you're running ZFS it's likely that your disk is too full to take more snapshots. This is a process that happens automatically on package installation or update.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
In order to list your ZFS snapshots you can run
zfs list -t snapshot
To delete snapshots, as root, run either zfs destroy
along with the specified snapshot name or delete a whole bunch at once:
zfs list -H -o name -t snapshot | xargs -n1 zfs destroy
For more information about zsys check out https://didrocks.fr/2020/06/04/zfs-focus-on-ubuntu-20.04-lts-zsys-state-collection/
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